What to do if you have fallen off the ice in the winter months?

As the month of winter sets in, we see there a lot of snow everywhere, and after some time the snow starts becoming ice. Ice is not something good for the people who are walking on the roads or the pavements and they are most likely to slip or fall because of the ice.

It is therefore the responsibility of every single person to clean the snow from the front of their houses so that anyone who is passing by does not fall or slip.

What to do if you have got into such a situation?

In case you have got yourself in such a situation where you are someone you know or love has fallen off the ice, then you need to know that you have certain rights it, and you can claim them by hiring the services of a personal injury attorney.

The job of a Morgantown injury lawyer is to claim compensation for the injury or the Loss that you have faced because of the ice that was not cleared. You would be delighted to know that there are rights for the people who have slipped or fallen because of the ice on the pavements, sidewalks, stairs, or parking lots of the people who are living in those areas.

What would the personal injury attorney do for you?

Therefore, if you have faced a big loss because of the ice you can always call the services of a personal injury attorney and he will place the claim for you. He would speak for you in the court on your behalf and he would fight you are case until and unless you have got the compensation that was lawful and necessary.

However, it is important to know that the place where you have fallen is also very important to consider if you want to know about the case and whether you would be entertained with the compensation or not.

There are a few things you need to know as well

  • Falling in the premises of a person’s area would be allowed for compensation however the owner of the house is not responsible for providing compensation to the trespassers.
  • The magnitude of loss would be decided on the basis of the percentage of fault from both the parties.

Article Credit:

Desai Law

449 Fortress Blvd Suite 2100

Morgantown, WV 26508

(304) 974-1974


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